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Region II Head Start Is With You During COVID-19 Coronavirus

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

The 2020 coronavirus pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges, especially to the early childhood community. We wanted to let you know that Head Start is Working for you every step of the way, and we're here for you during these difficult times.

We wanted to share the exciting and happy things that Head Start programs across the region are doing during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic:

Check out this cute video from Maestros Head Start/Early Head Start San Sebastián

𝙇𝙞𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙙𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙘𝙤

Early Head Start

Ambiente: STAR🌟6

Actividad: chef por un día

Maestra: Jennifer Cardona

Educuidadora: Jessica Arvelo

Encargada de alimentos: Samuel Cardona

Espacios de amor

Continuamos trabajando y creando en beneficio de nuestras familias y cada uno de ustedes. Mientras lidiamos con esta pandemia, nuestro personal permanece enfocado en apoyar a nuestras familias en su rol como primeros (as) educadores (as) de sus hijos (as). Por eso desarrollamos la iniciativa "Creando espacios de Amor a través del Arte" en la cual le proveeremos materiales de arte a nuestros (as) niños (as) para que expresen libremente sus emociones y sensaciones. Compartimos con ustedes parte de esta maravillosa iniciativa. Para poder disfrutar de estos vídeos y testimonios los invitamos a seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales, incluyendo nuestros Canal de YouTube (Fundación para el Desarrollo del Hogar Propio). 

A continuación un vídeo que resume algunos momentos de esta iniciativa.

Translated: We continue to work and create for the benefit of our families and each one of you. As we deal with this pandemic, our staff remains focused on supporting our families in their role as their children's first educators. That is why we developed the initiative "Creating spaces of Love through Art" in which we will provide art materials to our children so that they can freely express their emotions and feelings. We share with you part of this wonderful initiative.

Saludos a nuestros niños que cantan " Llegamos a tu casa Chivirin, Chin, Chin". El equipo de Columbia les envía un beso.

*Translated: Greetings to our children who sing "We arrived at your house Chivirin, Chin, Chin". The Columbia team sends them a kiss.

Lily López, la abuela demostrando con Marina Suárez de 1 año como la música incita al lenguaje. La lectoescritura de cuentos refuerza la imaginación e imitación de sonidos onomatopeyicos de animales fundamentales en desarrollo del juego Sensoriomotriz simulado para la niñez en edad temprana. Seguimos gozando#quedateencasa#estevirusloparamosunidoscon la#FDHPaliados a#TeamPIVE.

Translated: Lily Lopez, grandma demonstrating with 1 year old Marina Suarez as music incites language. Story readings reinforces the imagination and imitation of onomatopeyic sounds of fundamental animals developing the simulated sensoriomotive game for young age children. We continue to enjoy#stayhome#thisvirusloparamosunidoswith the#FDHPallies to#TeamPIVE.

Another great video from Fundación para el Desarrollo del Hogar Propio

Compartimos con ustedes uno de los vídeos que recoge algunos de los momentos de nuestra iniciativa Creando Espacios de Amor A través del Arte.#FDHP#LOÍZA#HS

Translated: We share with you one of the videos that collects some of the moments of our initiative Creating Spaces of Love Through Art. #FDHP # LOÍZA #HS

Thank you for sending us these wonderful Head Start videos! We are looking forward to posting YOUR Head Start videos next! Please email us: and send us your photos or videos of the creative activities you're doing during the coronavirus pandemic. We will be posting new photos and videos in this blog, so keep checking back!

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